Set SMART New Year’s Resolutions
Setting the right kind of goal is vital to its success. 80% of Americans report that they do not achieve their New Year’s resolutions, and only 8% report any measurable success. Why is that? Often it is related to the kind of goals that are set. Some resolutions are doomed for failure from the start. SMART is an acronym that stands for specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound. Setting smart goals will help you achieve your New Year’s resolutions. Here is an example of setting a SMART goal for losing weight:
- Specific: If you want to lose weight, do simply write “weight-loss” as your resolution. Set a specific target weight. Talk with your doctor or nutrition specialist to choose a healthy goal and develop a plan for achieving it.
- Measurable: If you have all year to reach your target weight-loss goal, you may be inclined to procrastinate until it is no longer possible. Break your goal down into measurable amounts each month. Furthermore, measure your food intake, exercise time, etc. When you miss a day or make a mistake, plan to get accountability, and push forward.
- Attainable: Many people set unrealistic goals. You want your resolutions to stretch you, but you may be discouraged if your goal is out of reach.
- Relevant: If you do not need to lose weight, or it is not important to you, then you are unlikely to take it seriously. Make sure your weight loss goals are relevant to you and your family.
- Time-Bound: Make sure your weight-loss goals have a timeline. Use a calendar to play your targets. If you get ahead of schedule, you may be able to adjust and stretch your resolution.
Setting SMART health and wellness goals give you a better chance of achieving your resolutions.
SMART Health and Wellness Goals to Set
Gyms are always their busiest during January because many people take the new year to address health, wellness, and fitness goals. However, many of those new gym memberships waste away later in the year. Here are some ideas for SMART health and wellness goals that you can keep all year long:
- Set measurable and attainable weight loss goals.
- If your goal is to lose weight, combine it with diet goals. Make sure your food and diet goals are attainable.
- Resolve to exercise daily. Maybe you will exercise at home a few days a week and at the gym a few days away. Just make sure your goals are specific.
- Set goals to improve your posture, work desk habits, and other daily tasks that can impact your pain and discomfort. If you are in pain, it may be more difficult to motivate yourself to follow through with your exercise and diet goals.
Pain Management and Chiropractic Goals
Sometimes we have a tendency to accept pain as part of our lives and we give up on attempting to manage or mitigate it with anything besides anti-inflammatories. However, this could be the year you set pain management goals, so you can have more mobility and a higher quality of life. One key to achieving your new year’s health and wellness resolutions is setting a goal to visit your trusted chiropractor. Your chiropractor can help you with wellness tips, pain management, and keeping up with your fitness goals.
The expert team here at Monito Chiropractic is here for you all year long. We help patients every day find ways to improve their health and wellness and get more mobile through chiropractic care and therapeutic exercises. One way to jumpstart your New Year’s resolutions is by visiting Monitto Chiropractic. If you are ready to move forward in this new year with smart resolutions regarding your health, wellness, fitness, and mobility contact Monitto Chiropractic for more information or to schedule an appointment today.