What Is the Webster Technique?

Tuesday, 03 May 2022 18:07

Even in low-risk pregnancies, a baby presenting as breech (feet first) instead of vertex (head first) is considered extremely dangerous, and most OBs no longer deliver breech. Instead, if your baby hasn’t moved into vertex alignment, you will very likely have a Cesarean. 

There are a few options to attempt to move a baby into position for birth, including the external cephalic version and the Webster Technique.

A body will stay in motion or at rest until acted upon by an outside force. This fundamental law of physics doesn’t just hold to mechanical engineering and physics but to our bodies as well. 

The body and joints of someone who remains sedentary will become accustomed to that state and become resistant to moving. Conversely, frequent motion can help keep you active and more easily mobile.

So you are in pain, it could be from an injury or could be genetics, and you are wondering if it is time to visit the doctor. But last time, the doctor just prescribed generic pain medicine and sent you on your way. Now, the medication has stopped working, the pain has come back, and you are too tired to repeat the same cycle as before. 

You look up different types of doctors to give something else a try, and you come across chiropractors and orthopedists. Both focus on similar areas of the body but have very different approaches. 

Which one should you see? Let’s dive deeper into the similarities and differences between chiropractic and orthopedic care. 

Chiropractors and Peripheral Neuropathy

Wednesday, 02 February 2022 19:08

There are few places in the South as closely associated with the Great Outdoors as Asheville, NC. We have beautiful rivers and creeks for those that enjoy fishing and water sports and a host of beautiful parks, greenways, and mountain biking trails. Tens of millions of tourists travel here from all over the world to explore the Blue Ridge and the Great Smoky Mountains.

However, for those struggling with symptoms related to Neuropathy, it can be very difficult to get out and about and experience all that our area has to offer. You might feel like you are stuck inside, while everyone you know is enjoying the natural surroundings for which our region is famous.

People often ask if chiropractic care can help people suffering from the symptoms of neuropathy. Our chiropractic office has helped countless patients manage the pain and discomfort associated with neuropathy. In this article, we want to help you understand neuropathy and how chiropractic care can improve your mobility and quality of life.

Video Transcript:

Bob & Fran: Welcome friends it's Bob and Fran, both in our 80s and as you probably know we're all about healthy aging we're also proponents of alternative health modalities to help us stay well and live long lives chiropractic care is one very good choice to consider. Today we'll be interviewing our friend and fantastic chiropractor, Dr. Paul Monitto.

We will be discussing the importance of correct posture in aging and how it can help add years to your life and life to your years. Welcome Dr. Paul.
