Don’t Fear the Chiropractor!

Friday, 07 January 2022 12:05

Modern chiropractic practice has its roots in the 1890s, but the idea that the alignment of our bodies impacts overall health dates back millennia. Over the last few decades, chiropractic care has become an accepted and vital component in maintaining healthy lifestyles and treating injuries or chronic conditions.

It still, however, remains one of the lesser-known disciplines in the healthcare profession. And what we don’t know, we tend to fear. 

Here in western North Carolina, health and wellness are a priority for most residents. We want to stay fit and mobile for exploring the hundreds of thousands of acres of protected forests, pristine rivers and creeks, and the charming mountain towns surrounding Asheville. There is a lot to do in our area, so people do their best to eat well and stay active. 

One of the ways you can improve your health and wellness is by visiting your trusted chiropractor. However, there is a lot of mystery and misinformation about chiropractic care. Many people don't know much about chiropractors and the care they provide. So, when trying to figure out whether or not a person should visit a chiropractor, the lack of clarity can make it challenging to arrive at the right answer. 

The holidays are a special time here in western North Carolina. If you drive around Asheville, you will see spectacular displays of lights and decorations throughout our area as people get into the spirit of the season. The chill in the air is a reminder that Christmas and the New Year are almost upon us.

Of course, after the holiday season is over, you take the tree down and discard all the wrapping paper, and settle in for a long, cold winter. For the French Broad River Valley, there will be some days of relative warmth and sunshine, despite our mountainous terrain. 

However, the higher elevations near the Tennessee border can see feet of snow pile up through April, even if no one else is experiencing winter weather.

Residents of Asheville are people who care about health and wellness. The new year is often a time to renew exercise and nutrition goals, but the cold months are a challenging time to feel motivated to get moving. Furthermore, many people experience pain and discomfort when the mercury drops.

If you want to stay healthy this winter, here's how your chiropractor can help.

How to Beat Holiday Stress

Tuesday, 05 October 2021 13:50

As the leaves change and finally give up their grasp on the trees, you know that the holidays are rapidly approaching. Although they come at the end of the year, many people are still always caught off-guard by their arrival. 

You might be the type of person that shops for gifts throughout the year as you see items that would be perfect for the people in your life. For the rest of us, Halloween signifies the start of the season of scrambling to figure out what you are going to give your friends and family and how you're going to get it to them in time. 

You may be the type of person that thrives on shuffling from one get-together to the next, but many people can find the seemingly endless holiday parties exhausting. No one enjoys navigating crowded airports, especially during the late autumn and early winter when the weather can change instantly. 

While it’s the most wonderful time of the year, for many people, the holidays represent a time of stress and anxiety. At Monitto Chiropractic, we see many patients during November, December, and January who need to find relief from the stress that can be associated with the holidays. 

Back Pain and Back to School

Tuesday, 07 September 2021 18:28

Nothing has been normal about education in the last eighteen to twenty-four months. We are entering the third school year impacted by the effects of the global pandemic. 

Teachers are becoming accustomed to balancing in-person and remote learning, while parents are also getting used to juggling their time between the virtual office and the physical workplace. In the back of their minds, high school seniors will have the way the virus can impact graduation ceremonies and celebrations. 

That is all on top of the typical pressures all students face when it comes to academics. They will still be competing in athletics, participating in extracurricular activities, and trying to balance homework, studying, friends, etc. Juniors and seniors are thinking about college and their futures in an ever-changing economic landscape. 

For parents, the last thing you want is for your children to take on unnecessary stress. Imagine, however, your child trying to deal with all the pressure of school on top of nagging back and neck pain.