Reasons to See Your Chiropractor This Year
How should you feel, or what kind of condition should you be in before you call on your chiropractor for help? Here are a few tips for knowing whether or not a chiropractor visit should be part of your new year resolution strategy:
- You should visit your chiropractor if you are experiencing upper, middle, or lower back pain.
- You should visit your chiropractor if you are having issues with chronic poor posture.
- You should visit your chiropractor if you have had an injury related to work, sports, or stress. This is especially true if you have lingering pain from that injury.
- You should visit your chiropractor if you have been in an automobile accident in recent times, or even mini years ago, especially if you still deal with pain and discomfort.
- You should visit your chiropractor if you have sustained a neck injury, or you deal with ongoing soreness resulting from poor posture, a car accident, or staring at a phone screen for significant portions of your day.
- You should visit your chiropractor if you need help knowing where to start with your physical fitness, nutrition, and dietary goals.
- You should visit your chiropractor if you are tired of the battle with the symptoms of allergies every spring, summer, and fall.
- You should visit your chiropractor if you or a loved one is struggling with ongoing ear infections.
- You should visit your chiropractor if you have any kind of residual soreness in your joints, muscles, or anything else that would potentially prevent you from achieving your exercise and fitness goals.
- You should visit your chiropractor if you have frequent headaches or migraines.
- You should visit your chiropractor for a list of therapeutic stretches that will help you improve your mobility, exercise ability, balance, and reduce pain.
- You should visit your chiropractor if you are struggling with the symptoms of neuropathy and cannot find relief from medicine, and want to avoid prescription narcotics.
As you can gather, there are a lot of reasons to incorporate the chiropractor into your New Year’s resolution plans; however, we want to be fair and provide some reasons to avoid the chiropractor this year.
Reasons Not to See a Chiropractor in Asheville, NC
If you have exercise, fitness, and dietary goals this new year, you may not need or want to see a chiropractor. Here are some reasons to avoid the chiropractor this new year:
- Avoid the chiropractor if your back feels fine and comfortable all the time.
- Avoid the chiropractor if you have perfect posture, and never experience neck pain.
- Avoid the chiropractor if you have never sustained an injury or experienced any kind of vehicle accident.
- Avoid the chiropractor if you never have the sniffles or headaches.
- Avoid the chiropractor if you know all there is to know about therapeutic exercises, nutrition, health and wellness, and how to start living a more mobile and healthier life.
Obviously, that last part was somewhat tongue-in-cheek, but the truth is your trusted chiropractor can help you grow as a person and achieve health and wellness goals you thought were impossible.
If you’re ready to start feeling better and improving your overall health and wellness, contact the team at Monitto Chiropractic in Asheville. We are excited to help you with your health and wellness journey here in western North Carolina.